Do you have a personal story that relates to Farwell House or Frederick? Would you like to share it with others? Well here is your chance to do so. Please fill out the form below with your name, e-mail, and story and send it our way.

Our hope is that, with your help, we can begin to document the experiences and histories of the folks that have and do call Frederick home.   All stories will be reviewed before being posted. 

Story Share

5 + 15 =

Story Share #2

I was blessed enough to grow up in Frederick. We lived smack dab in the middle of the big hill. Mom and dad still live there. I remember sledding on Rebmans hill, and the one by our house that lands right in front of the new Christian church. I loved being FINALLY old...

Story Share #1

I grew up in Frederick when it was still a town with its own post office (62639) and our address was a Rural Route. I remember calling in an order to a catalogue and the service representative told me she’d never heard of a Rural Route before, didn’t even know how to...